Insights and highlights from our experience at the PRII National PR Conference 

We’ll remember this year’s PRII National PR Conference as the one with the most meaningful and uplifting conversations. Our team, including Susan Ryan, Agnieszka Gleeson, and me (Nicola Baird), had an amazing time there. We soaked up PR wisdom, met fantastic people, and showcased our work. We’re thrilled to be part of this event that’s a big deal in the Irish PR world. It’s all about connecting, learning, and teamwork. Can’t wait to share with you the full scoop! 

A day to remember 

The atmosphere at the conference was buzzing with energy, filled with lively conversations that reflect the heart of PR – genuine connections and authentic communication. The event kicked off with a thought-provoking statement from David Geary, President of the PRII, highlighting that truth and trust are under attack. This set the tone for discussions during the event, focusing on the role of PR in tackling misinformation and the vital role that PR professionals will play in shaping Irish life. 

Our booth is your booth

As exhibitors and sponsors of the event, Ruepoint took this opportunity to connect with fellow PR professionals, share our expertise, and contribute to the conversation surrounding AI, measurement, and authenticity in PR. Our booth, where we planted a tree for every visitor, symbolised our commitment to both education and environmental consciousness, all while offering a delightful experience filled with chocolates and smiles. We are happy to report that we planted 32 trees together with our partner Tree-Nation.

The lucky winner at our booth, was David O’Donnell, Associate Director at Instinctif Partners. Congratulations to David, who walked away with a bottle of Moët! 

Three core topics emerged as central themes throughout the conference

AI Adaption in the PR Industry and Regulation: Dr. Ana Adi, in a prerecorded message, discussed highlights from her latest book, ‘Artificial Intelligence in Public Relations and Communications.’ One key takeaway was that communications professionals were no better than the average person at distinguishing AI-generated text from human-curated content. This emphasises the need for communicators to work alongside AI rather than rely solely on it. Curious humility and creativity are essential on this journey. 

Measurement and Proving Value: Joan Mulvihill, the Digitisation Lead for Siemens, led a panel discussion on Dr. Ana Adi’s book. The discussion raised questions about the regulation of AI and the challenges of combating misinformation. The panel also emphasised the importance of being proactive in regulating AI to protect citizens and prevent exploitation, drawing parallels with the evolution of PR over the years. 

Cutting Through the Noise: Crispin Manners delivered a prerecorded message on proving the value of PR and transforming the perception of the industry. He emphasised the shift from focusing on PR activities to understanding the “why” behind them. This involves gathering background data and motivational data to demonstrate PR’s impact on behavioral changes and business objectives. 

The panel discussions following these sessions were lively and thought-provoking, offering diverse perspectives on the challenges and opportunities in the PR industry. 

At the end of the journey

The day concluded with a talk by Dr. Martina Bourne, Chief Executive of the PRII, reflecting on the 70-year legacy and history of the PRII. It was a fitting end to an inspiring day, leaving our team motivated to have been part of the PRII’s rich history and exciting future. 

At Ruepoint, we believe that PR is not just about conveying messages but also about fostering trust, authenticity, and genuine connections. Our experience at the PRII National PR Conference reaffirmed these beliefs and highlighted the importance of adapting to new technologies like AI while staying true to the core principles of PR. 

We look forward to staying connected with our newfound friends and colleagues from the PRII community, and we are excited to see how the PR industry in Ireland continues to evolve and shape the future of communications. Thank you, PRII, for an unforgettable experience! 

Nicola Baird

Nicola Baird

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